
The Lord beckons and challenges us every day!

The devotional passage the other day was Luke 14.
Here we find the invitation of our merciful and healing Lord and His challenge to those who follow Him.

(Slogan said "I like crisis very much") Motivation alone will take you this far, the faithful even more so!

Verses 1-2 "On the Sabbath, ・・・・ there was a man suffering from edema."
v.3 "Jesus said to the experts of the law ..., "... is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? Is it not?"

Verse 4: "They kept silent."            ...
  But the Lord "embraced the man suffering from edema, healed him, and sent him home.
  The Lord "embraced him, healed him, and sent him home.

・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・
The experts of the law simply did not respond in silence.

We can never hold and heal a person suffering from edema.
Here, the compassionate Lord who heals even such a person is revealed. This is what the compassionate Lord's character and love that heals even those who are in need is revealed here.

There were many who saw and knew this compassionate love of Jesus firsthand.
And afterward, Jesus said to them, "...you are invited..." (v. 24).

Verse 24: "...not one of those who were invited tasted my food.


Verses 26-27 "If you come to me and do not hate your father, your mother, your wife, your children, your brothers, your sisters, and even your own life, you cannot be my disciples. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."
He said.

And finally, in verses 34-35

Verses 34-35: "Salt is good. But if salt loses its saltiness, what gives it its flavor? It is useless for the land and for manure, and is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
He said.

The invitation of the Lord, who is merciful, embracing and healing, and the challenge to those who follow Him were exactly described.

No matter how hard we try to protect our own lives, we can never do so without the Lord's protection. That is why we can challenge ourselves to follow the Lord with confidence because we have the protection of the merciful Lord who held and healed a man with edema.
Truly, there is a challenge for us to follow the Lord every day!

But in reality, as Jesus said in verse 24.
"...not one of those who had been invited would taste my food."
It may be said.


(Red slogan said "Think! Don't Think!")  Which is it? ! No, either!!!!!!!

The Lord is merciful, and He is the One who holds us in His bosom and heals us, no matter what we look like, whether we have edema or not.
Trusting in this One, let us walk in the challenge of following Him.

And hopefully, many will respond to this challenge.
Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?"
They were silent. So Jesus held the man, healed him, and sent him home."
                    Luke 14:3-4.
'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will send you workers for His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38

Trust and Challenge


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